Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group
View of Dryburn Lime Kiln during the industrial archelogical excavation of the site by the Archeology Group, part of the Lowick Heritage Group, in 2018.
View of Dryburn Lime Kiln during the industrial archelogical excavation of the site by the Archeology Group, part of the Lowick Heritage Group, in 2018.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith, digital mapping of the lime kiln site at Lowick, 2018.
View of Dryburn Lime Kiln during the industrial archelogical excavation of the site by the Archeology Group, part of the Lowick Heritage Group, in 2018.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith, installation view of Lowick Lime: Incidental Breather (apparatus) deployed during the talks programme of Incidental Assembly, 2019, at the Clore Studio, South London Gallery.
The Incidental Assembly was an exhibition and event initiated by the Incidental Unit (with roots in the Artist Placement Group) and Flat Time House.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith, installation view of Lowick Lime: Incidental Breather (apparatus), deployed and presented during the Incidental Assembly, 2019, at the Clore Studio, South London Gallery.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith, installation view of Lowick Lime: Incidental Breather Table in the exhibition Incidental Assembly, 2019, at the Clore Studio, South London Gallery.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, event view of Lowick Lime: Actions for Lowick: Industrial Trail Route (2019). View of group at a stopping point on the trail route, at the (older) first extraction site of the Dryburn Quarry in Lowick.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, event view of Lowick Lime: Actions for Lowick: Industrial Trail Route (2019). View of group assembling at a key vantage (vista) point on the trail route that presents a clear view of the Dryburn Lime Kiln in Lowick.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, event view of Lowick LIme: Actions for Lowick: Marking the Dryburn (2019)
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, event view of Lowick Lime: Actions for Lowick: Marking the Dryburn (2019)
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, Lowick Lime: Unearthing Lowick Lime, 2019, performance reading of Julie Gibbs' script 'That's Not The Way To Do It!: The Personal Observations of
Captain William Hurt Sitwell of Barmoor Castle on the Lowick Lime Industry, 1839-1842'. Event at the Experimental Studio, Newcastle, for the Being Human Festival 2019.
Charles Danby & Rob Smith with Lowick Heritage Group, Lowick Lime: Unearthing Lowick Lime, 2019, performance reading of Julie Gibbs' script 'That's Not The Way To Do It!: The Personal Observations of
Captain William Hurt Sitwell of Barmoor Castle on the Lowick Lime Industry, 1839-1842'. Event at the Experimental Studio, Newcastle, for the Being Human Festival 2019.
Lowick Heritage Group, A4 handout for Julie Gibbs's playlet 'That's Not The Way: The Personal Observations of Captain William Hurt Sitwell of Barmoor Castle on the Lowick Lime Industry, 1839-1842', 2019.
Poster for Lowick Lime and Unearthing Lowick Lime (2019), part of the UK-wide Being Human Festival of the Humanities.<><><><><><>Left: cover of the programme booklet for the 2019 Being Human A Festival of the Humanities. Right: listings page for Unearthing Lowick Lime part of the North East programme.